With a provincial election now only a few months away, the governing NDP have a very difficult path to re-election according to a recent ThinkHQ poll. They continue to hold a significant lead over the UCP in Edmonton (although the race is tightening in the Capitol-region’s suburbs), but trail badly in small urban centres and rural Alberta. In Calgary, vote […]
Albertapatients.ca Exploratory Research – Prescription Opioid Use Among Alberta Patients
Please note: Research findings should be directly attributed to albertapatients.ca. (EDMONTON) Discussions between patients and their physicians about the use of opioids to manage pain are relatively common in Alberta, although fewer patients actually receive a prescription according to a recent survey conducted by albertapatients.ca. Among those who received a prescription opioid for pain from their physician, a bare […]
Perspectives of Marijuana Legalization in Alberta
ThinkHQ/Metro News Poll A recent Metro/ThinkHQ poll finds that a majority (57%) of Albertans support the legalization of marijuana in Canada vs. 39% who oppose these upcoming changes. Similar proportions are strong advocates and opponents to the changes coming this summer – 29% strongly approve vs. 28% strongly disapprove Support for legalization is highest among those under the age […]
Albertans’ Views on Stephen Mandel’s Alberta Party
ThinkHQ/Metro News Poll If the intent of Greg Clark’s resignation and subsequent Alberta Party leadership race was to capture the imagination of Albertans and drive party growth prior to the next provincial election, the strategy is having limited success in terms of public perception. A recent ThinkHQ/Metro News poll find that freshly-minted Alberta Party leader Stephen Mandel has […]
Albertans’ Views on Age Restricted Housing
ThinkHQ/Metro News Poll Public approval for “adult only” accommodations is high, as found by a recent ThinkHQ/Metro News Poll. In January 2017, a Queen’s Bench judge ruled that age must be considered a prohibited ground for discrimination under Alberta’s Human Rights Act, and gave the Province one year to make appropriate changes to legislation. This Fall, the Government […]
Alberta’s Political Landscape – Is “Fortress Edmonton” Crumbling on the NDP?
ThinkHQ/Metro News Poll For many political observers, the fact that the provincial NDP are now trailing province-wide in voter intentions may not come as a surprise – the economy remains stubbornly sluggish and the UCP has coalesced right-of-centre voters under one party banner. However, our November ThinkHQ/Metro Provincial Politics survey reveals deeper problems for the governing party. If an […]
Public Backs More Government Action to Promote Alberta Oilsands Refining
The recent provincial election in B.C. has added a new wrinkle to the development of an expanded Kinder Morgan pipeline to the west coast. Christie Clark’s Liberals fell short in their bid to hold power, now relegated to the Opposition benches in favour of an NDP-Green Party coalition. Though approval for the Kinder Morgan pipeline lies outside of provincial jurisdiction, […]
Albertans’ Views on the Provincial Government’s Management of the Provincial Economy
ThinkHQ/Metro News Poll A recent ThinkHQ/Metro News Poll finds that a majority of Albertans disapprove of the Provincial Government’s management of the provincial economy, and feel the NDP government has had a negative impact on their lives. Over six-in-ten (62%) Albertans disapprove of the Notley Government’s management of the provincial economy, with almost one-half (46%) offering strong negative ratings. […]