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Concerns About Crime on the Rise in Calgary

Posted November 17th, 2022 in Alberta Politics, Calgary, Media Release, News by Marc Henry

. Media Release November 17, 2022 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE.   (Calgary) A majority of Calgarians say they personally feel less safe in their city than they did three years ago, with crime a growing concern on the public’s mind according to a recent ThinkHQ Public Affairs survey.    Over one-half (53%) of Calgarians say they feel less safe in the […]

Calgary City Council 1-Year Report Card

Posted November 10th, 2022 in Alberta Politics, Calgary, Media Release, News by Marc Henry

. Media Release November 10, 2022 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE . (Calgary) Now one-year into a four-year term, Calgary’s City Council continues to struggle to gain ground with electors according to a recent ThinkHQ Public Affairs survey. Indeed, both mayor and councillors, having received soft approval ratings in the spring have seen further erosion since.   Mayor Jyoti Gondek   Mayor […]

Kenney’s Numbers Stall – Most Voters Still Want a New UCP Leader

Posted April 5th, 2022 in Alberta Election, Alberta Politics, Calgary, Edmonton, Media Release, News by Marc Henry

. Media Release April 5, 2022 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE . (Calgary) With only a handful of days to go before the leadership review vote in the UCP Party, Premier Jason Kenney’s approval ratings have stalled below 30%, and with his party trailing in the polls, most voters want new UCP leadership according to the latest ThinkHQ Public Affairs survey […]

No Honeymoon for Calgary’s New Mayor

Posted March 29th, 2022 in Alberta Politics, Calgary, Media Release, News by Marc Henry

. Media Release March 29, 2022 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE . (Calgary) Mayor Jyoti Gondek is off to a bumpy start as far as most Calgarians are concerned, with approval for the new mayor below four-in-ten according to a recent ThinkHQ Public Affairs survey. At present, approval for Gondek’s performance rests at 38% compared to 53% saying they disapprove of her performance as mayor […]

Premier Kenney’s Approval Plummets Amid COVID-19 Turmoil

Posted October 4th, 2021 in Alberta Politics, Media Release, News by Marc Henry

. Media Release October 4, 2021 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE . (Calgary) In the midst of a punishing 4th wave of COVID-19 in Alberta, approval for Premier Jason Kenney has tumbled to a new low according to a recent survey by ThinkHQ Public Affairs. Currently only 22% of adult Albertans now offer any degree of approval for the performance of […]

Fluoride Plebiscite in Calgary Likely to Pass by Comfortable Margin

Posted September 29th, 2021 in Alberta Politics, Media Release, News by Marc Henry

. Media Release September 29, 2021 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE . (Calgary) After almost a decade without a fluoridated water supply, Calgarians appear ready to re-introduce the cavity fighting agent in this October’s plebiscite on the issue according to a recent ThinkHQ Public Affairs survey. The plebiscite measure is likely to pass by a comfortable margin later this month, with […]

Union-backed third-party advertiser could create backlash for some Calgary municipal candidates

Posted September 23rd, 2021 in Alberta Politics, Media Release, News by Marc Henry

. Media Release September 23, 2021 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE . (Calgary) Municipal campaign finance rules are not well known by Calgary voters, but the emergence of a formidable union backed Third-Party Advertiser (TPA), could potentially create backlash for the candidates they endorse for City Council, according to a recent ThinkHQ Public Affairs survey of Calgary voters. The survey finds […]

Calgary’s Mayor’s Race Tightening

Posted September 22nd, 2021 in Alberta Politics, Media Release, News by Marc Henry

. Media Release September 22, 2021 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE . (Calgary) With only 26 days to go before Calgary’s municipal election, the open contest for mayor is tightening, and shaping up to be a two-horse race according to a recent ThinkHQ Public Affairs survey. . The new poll shows Jeromy Farkas continues to hold an edge with 30% of […]