ThinkHQ/Metro News Poll
Now officially in place, Alberta’s Carbon Tax remains a deeply disliked policy among voters, according to a February 2017 ThinkHQ/Metro News poll.
- Almost two-thirds (64%) say they disapprove of the expanded carbon tax, with 50% strongly opposed
- One-third (32%) of those interviewed offer support for the new tax on carbon, while another 4% are unsure
- Support for the carbon levy is unchanged over the past year, while opposition has risen nominally (Up from 61% in June 2016)
Carbon Tax refunds, designed to cushion the impact of increased levies on most Alberta households, only modestly buffers opposition
- Those who personally received a refund are most supportive of the tax itself (36%), compared to those whose household received no refund (29%)
- However, even among those who personally received a refund, almost six-in-ten (59%) disapprove of the tax
The notion that CLP/Carbon Tax has contributed to federal approvals for new pipeline applications by way of creating “social license” does not resonate with Albertans
- Six-in-ten believe new pipelines would have been approved regardless of climate plan
The finding that a new tax is unpopular is hardly earthshattering, however broader analysis suggests a deeper problem for provincial government – a number of their assumptions about the plan are not borne out in public sentiment
- Public acceptance of the new tax on carbon is not growing (at least not yet) – indeed opposition has increased nominally
- Use of refunds to soften the impact of the carbon tax (and presumably bolster acceptance) has little effect on public opinion: A majority of those who have personally received a refund still oppose the new tax
- A key underlying rational for the CLP and Carbon Tax – providing social license to facilitate new pipelines – does not resonate with Albertans. Only one-fifth (22%) believe that new pipeline approvals would not have occurred without the Climate Leadership Plan
Click the link to view detailed findings and methodology: Metro Poll February 2017 – Carbon Tax Views