ThinkHQ/Metro News Poll
Public acceptance of marijuana is relatively high (no pun intended) in Alberta, particularly for clinical and therapeutic uses according to a recent ThinkHQ/Metro News Poll.
- Almost 9-in-10 believe marijuana use, at the recommendation of a physician, is acceptable, while almost 2/3 believe it is appropriate in “self-medicating” situations
- Even for purely recreational purposes, over one-half (55%) of Albertans find marijuana use acceptable
Almost 2/3 of Albertans (65%) agree with legalizing marijuana, compared to only 22% who feel it should remain an illegal substance.
The biggest pot proponents are those under the age of 35, singles, those living in urban areas (particularly Edmonton), and those to the Centre-Left of the political spectrum. Even 57% of those who say they are unlikely to ever use pot believe it should be legal to do so.
Strong support however does not translate into “loose control” as far as most Albertans are concerned:
- In terms of point of sale, Albertans tilt more toward specially licensed or government controlled dispensaries or specialty stores
- There is strong opposition to individuals growing/selling their own marijuana, or for private businesses to sell without a special license
- Only one-in-five (20%) claim that if marijuana becomes legal, they will be at least somewhat likely to use it
Click the link to view detailed findings and methodology: Metro Poll November 2016 – Marijuana Legalization Views