ThinkHQ/Metro News Poll
Public approval for “adult only” accommodations is high, as found by a recent ThinkHQ/Metro News Poll.
In January 2017, a Queen’s Bench judge ruled that age must be considered a prohibited ground for discrimination under Alberta’s Human Rights Act, and gave the Province one year to make appropriate changes to legislation. This Fall, the Government of Alberta introduced and passed Bill 23, to comply with the Court’s ruling. These changes significantly impact housing in Alberta, specifically buildings where the landlord or condo association have protective covenants to prevent people under the age of 18 from living there – so called, “Adult only” buildings.
The new rules will impact existing rental buildings and new developments starting January 1, 2018. For condo associations (and rentals by condo owners), there will be a 15-year phase in of the new rules. The legislation also excepts “seniors buildings” (i.e. aged 55+), and allows for programs which target housing for vulnerable populations to continue.
While the Province did not appeal the ruling, it’s one which they may wish never happened. Fully 83% approve of “senior’s only” buildings, while nearly two-thirds (64%) approve of buildings where children are prohibited (18+ buildings).
- Even a small majority of NDP voters and those under the age of 35 support the existence of 18+ buildings
- Those with young families are the least likely to support adult-only buildings (46%), though even this group is comfortable with “senior’s buildings”
Over one-half (56%) of Albertans disapprove of the amendments in Bill 23, compared to 37% who support them.
- Support for these Human Rights Act amendments are highest among those planning to vote for the NDP in the next election (63%) and those with young families (51%)
Click the link to view detailed findings and methodology: Metro ThinkHQ Poll Age Restricted Housing November 2017