Government relations and opinion research
Understanding the nexus between government, business, society, policy, politics, stakeholders, investors, interest groups and the public has never been more complicated or important.

Helping you understand the political, policy and public environment today
ThinkHQ Public Affairs Inc. works closely with our clients in the private sector to develop strategies that work; and they work because we help you understand these complex relationships.
We are the only government and public relations firm in Alberta (and one of the few in North America) to offer clients in-house, integrated public-opinion research to define and refine strategy development.
We help organizations understand the political, policy and public environment today, and to “test-drive” their assumptions, approach and communications before they begin.
ThinkHQ Public Affairs Inc. enjoys a number of strategic alliances with related firms throughout the globe, providing clients with international reach. We maintain extensive contacts with individuals in governments, business and news organizations across the country.