ThinkHQ/Metro News Poll
A recent poll by ThinkHQ/Metro News finds that public support for a new arena is growing among Calgarians.
- Today fully 63% of Calgarians say they support building a new arena to replace the Saddledome vs. 30% who are opposed. That represents a modest shift in public sentiment since June when 59% favored a new facility compared to 34% who did not.
That said, while Calgarians do see a role for The City in the development of a new facility, they still offer considerable resistance to financial options which involve non-repayable tax dollars and potential tax increases as a result.
- Large majorities of Calgarians would support financial options that would see The City offering land, loans (with interest), direct partnership (with The City receiving a share of future revenues) or virtually any financial arrangement providing it does not impact taxes
- Calgarians are divided on The City offering financial compensation for a new arena in recognition of The Flames contribution to the city and resulting economic activity
- Calgary residents do not support offering The Flames an interest-free loan for an arena, and strongly oppose financial arrangements which would impact their own city property taxes
Click the link to view detailed findings and methodology: Metro/ThinkHQ Poll – New Arena Development September 2017