ThinkHQ/Metro News Poll
A recent Metro/ThinkHQ poll finds that a majority (57%) of Albertans support the legalization of marijuana in Canada vs. 39% who oppose these upcoming changes. Similar proportions are strong advocates and opponents to the changes coming this summer – 29% strongly approve vs. 28% strongly disapprove
- Support for legalization is highest among those under the age of 35 (75%) and declines with age
- Support is notably higher in major urban centres, particularly Edmonton (70%), and among current and lapsed users of marijuana
Almost one-quarter (24%) of Albertans say they are at least somewhat likely to use marijuana once legal
- Likely users tend to be younger, urban and better educated
- Only 4% of those who have never used marijuana in the past say they are at least somewhat likely to do so once pot is legalized
One-in-five (19%) adult Albertans are CURRENT users of marijuana (i.e. they have used it within the past year), while another 32% are LAPSED users (having used it before but not within the past 12 months)
- Men are more likely than women to be lapsed marijuana users
- Those under 35 are more likely to have tried marijuana and be currently using it than their older cohorts
While the growth in marijuana users overall in Alberta will not increase dramatically with legalization, the current size of the illicit market combined with modest growth in users brought about by legalization suggests a very substantial provincial marketplace for marijuana products
- The current value of Alberta’s marijuana market (legal & illegal) likely ranges between $370M – $676M, while the future value of Alberta’s legal marijuana market likely ranges between ~$400M – ~$800M
Click the link to view detailed findings and methodology: Metro ThinkHQ Poll Marijuana Perspectives March 2018