Media Release
November 17, 2022 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE.
(Calgary) A majority of Calgarians say they personally feel less safe in their city than they did three years ago, with crime a growing concern on the public’s mind according to a recent ThinkHQ Public Affairs survey.
Over one-half (53%) of Calgarians say they feel less safe in the city than they did three years ago (15% “Much less safe”) compared to only 4% saying they feel safer and 42% feeling about the same.
- Women are more likely than men to feel safety has declined in recent years, with these sentiments also increasing slightly with age
In assessing the state of public safety in Calgary, almost one-half (48%) feel that crime is high in the city today (12% “Very high”) compared to 12% who believe it is relatively low and 37% moderate.
- Again, women are more likely to feel crime is high in Calgary right now (53% vs 43% among men), and this view also increases with age. Residents of Northeast Calgary are most likely to say crime rates are high in the city (57%)
A sizable majority (72%) of those interviewed feel that crime in Calgary has increased over the past three years (22% saying it is much higher), while 18% feel things are about the same as three years ago, and 5% who maintain crime has decreased in the city.
- Here the demographic variations are more subtle: Women are only slightly more likely to perceive an increase in crime in the past three years, while those under 35 and those living in the inner city are somewhat less likely to sense a growth in crime
Commenting on the survey, ThinkHQ Public Affairs President Marc Henry notes:
“Crime and public safety are very much top-of-mind for Calgarians today, and there is a strong sense that things have deteriorated over the last few years. Almost three-quarters of citizens sense that crime is worse than it was three years ago, and the fact that over half feel ‘less safe’ personally is something that should be raising a red flag for government decision-makers.
It’s an interesting time to ask these questions, as public perception is both right and wrong as far as crime statistics go. Compared to 2019 (three years ago) there isn’t a notable surge in crime rates in the city. Contrasted to the last two years however, with COVID-19 restrictions dampening criminal activity, we’ve definitely seen a surge in 2022. The COVID situation itself has contributed to mental-health, addiction, and economic hardships for some which are also likely driving criminality and social disruption.
It’s certainly not an issue to be ignored, with both City and Provincial budgets coming in the next few months. Public safety is a core responsibility for government, and most Calgarians seem to have the sense that their city has gotten a little ‘rough around the edges’ over the past few years.”
Click here to view the full release and methodology
Media Inquiries:
Marc Henry
President, ThinkHQ Public Affairs, Inc.