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Big City Views on Water Fluoridation

Posted March 15th, 2016 in Health Care, Healthcare, Media Release, MetroNews, News by Marc Henry

ThinkHQ/Metro News Poll     A recent academic study comparing rates of youth tooth decay in Alberta’s biggest cities has renewed public debate about municipal water fluoridation. The study, published in the journal Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, found that tooth decay among school-aged children has worsened at a significantly higher rate in Calgary than in Edmonton over the last […]

Seniors Caregiving a Growing Concern for Albertans

(EDMONTON) As Alberta’s population ages, a growing proportion of the province will be faced with caregiving for their aging relatives and friends according to a recent poll by ThinkHQ Public Affairs Inc.   Today, almost one-in-five Albertans participate in providing care for an aging family member or friend, but roughly two-thirds are either caregivers today or believe it is a […]

Perspectives on Seniors’ Health Care in Alberta

(EDMONTON) The burdens of an aging population on the province’s health care system is an issue weighing heavily on the minds of Albertans today, according to a recent survey by ThinkHQ Public Affairs, Inc. Further, the survey finds that Albertans’ confidence in the health system in relation to seniors’ care is troublingly low, and that most provincial residents are relatively […]

Albertans’ Concerns and Expectations About Aging

(EDMONTON) When it comes to getting older, health and money are the biggest concerns for Albertans, and they are relatively pessimistic about their prospects for the future according to recent ThinkHQ Public Affairs Inc. poll.   On a top-of mind basis, staying healthy and health issues are Albertans’ primary concerns (28% mention), followed closely by issues related to financial security (27%), […]

Aging Population Changing Perceptions of Aging in Alberta

(EDMONTON) Canadians, Albertans, are living longer than ever before, and as a result are having profound impacts on society, the social safety net, the economy, and according to a recent ThinkHQ Public Affairs poll, perceptions of aging itself.   On average, Albertans today say that 71 is the age at which they begin to consider someone “old”. Ironically, fifty years […]

Alberta Medical Association Seeks Patient Input on Health Care System through Innovative Online Community

Posted June 16th, 2015 in Alberta Medical Association, albertapatients, Health Care, Media Release, News by Marc Henry

  (Edmonton) The Alberta Medical Association wants to hear from all Albertans about the health care system, and is seeking public input through an innovative, new online community – Albertapatients.ca.