ThinkHQ/Metro News Poll
Albertans are split on the Alberta government’s plan for increasing the minimum wage, although a slim plurality favour it according to a recent ThinkHQ/Metro News Poll.
- Almost 1/2 (49%) of Albertans say they back the NDP policy of raising the minimum wage to $15/hour by 2018, while a nearly equal proportion (47%) disapprove of the plan
- There is higher support in Edmonton (54%) than elsewhere, while opposition is slightly more concentrated among those living in small cities and towns (54%)
This is a highly partisan issue, as NDP voters (both past and future) overwhelmingly endorse the plan, while Wildrose and PC voters are decidedly opposed.
Support for the plan is bolstered by the sense that it will help low-income and vulnerable Albertans and students. At the same time, almost 6-in-10 (57%) don’t believe the increase will impact them personally.
Opposition to the plan is driven by perceived negative impacts on the economy, employment, and in particular, small businesses.
Click the link to view detailed findings and methodology: Metro Poll October 2016 – Alberta’s Minimum Wage